Parent Committee

You can Join our Parent Committee and help us.
We need parents to assist us with Organising Championship and Gashuku events.
If you are a practicing active Adult (doing Karate) then you should join our Parent Committee.
If you have a dedicated child then you should consider joining our Parent Committee.

Our Parent Comittee.


Chair Lady:  Shihan-Dai Catherine Venter 6th Dan.
Contact: 072-170-2162

We are deeply conscious of our responsibility towards Karate , both as a sport and as an art , and towards those who participate in it.
We exist to serve, support, stimulate, and protect the interest of our students and the activities in which we give our aid

SERVICE AND SUPPORT is our sole driving force.
In order for us to maximize our service and support we hold dear, prize and strive to act repeatedly on the following core values:

1] We talk to every single parent & member 
in an open and free and dignified manner. Respect is bestowed upon one by service to another, and we strive to better our aid and activity thereby.

2] We are fair and just to all.

3] We abhor discrimination of any kind.

4] Our business is to aid & promote only  nothing else –
and we say that the participant alone is important in our business.

5] We do what the Shihankai agree for us to do.

6] We strive to attain the highest standards through :

Excellent Service.
Quality Training and Development.
Objective Project & Task Evaluation.
Constructive feedback.
By Pursuing Universal Standards known to all and agreed upon by all our members

7] We conduct our Affairs individually and collectively 
in a spirit of conciliation, comradeship, cooperation and friendship.