The South African ShihanKai consist of senior members within the Style.
They form the governing body that operate within the World Statute regulations and the South African Statute regulations.
The ShihanKai has annual meetings to determine the year program and other activities within the South African Tenshinkan Karate organisation.
The current South African ShihanKai board of officials are:

Hanshi Hans Haupt – 9th Dan
Contact: 082-442-6701

Kyoshi Attie Coetzer – 8th Dan.
Contact: 082-442-8918

Shihan Andries Oelofse – 7th Dan
Contact: 083-785-0315

Shihan Dai Cindy Lee Ludick – 5th Dan
Contact: 084-790-6123

Shihan Adam Boshoff – 6th Dan
Contact: 084-620-2417
Shihan-Dai Catherine venter – 5th Dan
Contact: 082-414-1383
Shihan Dai Caeasare Coetzer – 5th Dan
Contact: 082-414-1383